Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why am I writing This blog?
  1. As an outlet for some of my frustrations with the education system and with my children’s education. I am a primary school teacher. After almost 20 years experience, I have plenty to say about the profession and about education in general. I am also the father of 2 children, aged 6 and 8, which offers me some perspective from the other side of the gate.
  2. As a way of connecting with other parents and perhaps giving them an opportunity to get advice. If I feel this angry and frustrated about my children’s learning with the experience I’ve had in schools, how are others going to feel?
    So, if you read this blog, and either want to add your own views or seek some advice, get in touch!
  3. To start a revolution in teaching! Well, not really, it doesn’t have to go that far, but I would like to provide a forum for teachers to share their views and kick-back against the system a bit. We used to be a feisty lot when I started teaching, but nowadays all the spark and energy seems to have been knocked out of us by the constant stream of government initiatives and the heavy-handed way in which they’re implemented.
  4. So I can have a good rant without boring the pants off my family and friends. Hence the name, which is a blend of Parent and Teacher, and also reflects my tendency to preach.
    So…….Hope you enjoy the blog and that at the very least it gives you something to think about. Any feedback and comments welcome. If you like it, spread the word!

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